Darkfall's Interface Posted by Tasos on 04/12/03 |
Screenshots of Darkfall's interface have been released and are part of RPG Vault's Darkfall peek of the week #15.
Also in this Darkfall peek, Claus Grovdal describes the various elements that make up the interface and explains how they work and how they relate to each other.
It's important to remember that the interface is still rough and will get a cosmetic makeover before release, also that the interface elements have been arranged to show functionality, not to look good.
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Fire Run Posted by Tasos on 22/11/03 |
The small village of Fire Run lies halfway between Flaming Skull and the southern fortress of Sunderdeep. This village's chief claim to fame is its smithy, where weapons are forged using molten rock channeled from a local lava stream. The resident master smith, a svartdvergir called Urgok the Black, attracts customers from all over Morak, and his traditional Flatteners are said to be the finest in the land.
You can check it out at RPG Vault's Darkfall Peek of the week #13
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A Peek of Morak Posted by Tasos on 12/11/03 |
There are four new screenshots up at RPG Vault as part of the weekly Darkfall Peek series.
This week's screenshots are taken in the Dolgor area, a location just inside the southern borders of Morak - the Orkish kingdom. Orks and Humans clash here regularly, fighting for access and control of the many treasure-filled dungeons in the area.
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New Screenshots Posted by Tasos on 28/10/03 |
RPGVault's Darkfall Peek of the week #10 features four screenshots of the fishing village of Salthorpe and some of its surrounding area.
"Salthorpe is a fishing village on the west coast of Riada, the largest lake in central Mercia. The river Eanna connects this area to the capital of Sanguine, which lies just a short distance to the south. The villages of Silverley and Lainstone are also close, to the east and west respectively."
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